Grexit eller Dexit ?

Är det Grekland som ska sparkas ut ur euron eller är det Tyskland som vill bort för att starta ett nytt projekt för mera solventa medlemsstater ?

Här en intressant artikel som förmedlades av bloggaren in spe Vickan. Går också bra som tysk läsövning..

1 kommentar på “Grexit eller Dexit ?

  1. Certainly an interesting article! Meanwhile Hbl had to report (on Sö 19 juli, p.7) that Schäuble said in an interview with the weekly SPIEGEL ”att om någon försöker påverka hans ståndpunkt kunde han gå till förbundspresidenten och begära att få avgå”. An interesting aspect is that according to the German constitution it is the chancellor whose job it is to define the main lines of the government’s policy – i.e it would be Merkel’s job to reign in Schäuble. The question is whether she does not want or not dare to.

    About Schäuble one gets the impression that he has perhaps become a bit old and obstinate, very much believing in some own idea (and certainly not wanting to make any concessions to anybody from any political Left). Perhaps one should remind him of his idea of ”begära att få avgå”. There is an idea around to have on 22 augusti a bigger demonstration against the whole austerity business (some discussion about it on coming Thursday (23.07.) at klo 17:00 in Kupoli, New Student House).

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