
9 av tio ser ut att vara invandrare. Manga skyltar ar pa ett for mig frammande sprak, som avviker fran majoritetens och det officiella.

Ingen av hantverkarna (har pagar ett litet renoveringsprojekt) ar fodda i detta land, har finns polacker, slovenier, iranier, koreaner, japaner…

Pa det sattet ar det ganska tacksamt – var egen daliga behandling av landets sprak avviker inte fran alla de andras vi moter; alla talar lika daligt.

Sakert finns har spanningar mellan folkgrupper vi inte formar uppsnappa, men i vara ogon fungerar det precis som det borde. Alla ar vanliga och hjalpsamma, alla fungerar i sk fredlig samvaro.

Jag tror att flyktingpolitiken delvis bestams av geografin, men ocksa detta land tar emot, forutom alla de invandrare som behovs, en minst lika stor kvot av flyktingar som Finland.

Vi var in pa ett italiensk cafe for en kopp cappuchino och betjanades av en mycket vanlig ung man som sag mycket koreansk ut. Alltsa inte italiensk…

Med tanke pa de nyheter vi nyss laste fran Finland om de olika handelserna kring flyktingar och ultranazister tanker man ofrivilligt tanken: varfor inte sa har hos oss?

Om andra lander kommer till oss for att studera vart skolsystem kunde val vi besoka Kanada och lara oss bade av deras invandrar- men ocksa av deras flyktingpolitik, typ Hur far man samhallet att fungera dynamiskt med olika folkslag i samforstand?

Och jo, som ni redan forstatt skriver jag pa en engelsk dator som saknar vara skandinaviska tecken…

2 kommentarer på “Gatubild

  1. I intend to write here a comment which could as well fit on the previous piece by Nana Blomqvist, and it is based on thoughts which I have made already some time ago while looking at the political situation in Germany: We remember that Germany was re-united not so VERY long time ago, and it has also turned out that there are clear differences between the political tendencies in the states of the former Federal Republic and those of the former DDR. E.g. when looking at the results in recent state elections one will notice that in the former DDR and Berlin the so-called ”Alternative für Deutschland” (in short AfD), which is a very xenophobic party with tendencies which remind of Hitler’s times, has gained hugely, whereas in Lower Saxony (where I come from – a state with more pigs than people, and traditionally really not very progressive) the AfD made it just and just into the parliament (a so unexciting result that Hbl did not even mention it). And as possible factors behind this difference I suspect (at least) these two: (a) My assumption is that in the former DDR people are simply not yet used to seeing ”exotic”-looking people and. lacking everyday experience with them, can be more easily convinced that they are in some way ”dangerous” (whereas even in my rather small home town e.g. nearly all the restaurants are in foreign hands, with several Italian, several Chinese and at least one Yugoslav, one Greek and one Arabic place, plus several food shops run by Turks, leaving just two places which serve Northern German food). And the asylants which are housed in various places do really not cause any visible excitement. And (b) I suspect the political past as one factor. In the way that in the DDR the government was propagating friendship between people, which many people interpreted just as ”government propaganda” (even from a Russian-supported (!) government), and thus refused to accept – with the consequence that these people now, feeling ”free” after the re-unification of Germany, begin to express the tendencies which they were privately cultivating in protest against the government propaganda, but which unluckily come from pre-DDR times, i.e. Hitler’s times. – I do not claim that ALL of the inhabitants of the ex-DDR states think like that, but they may in fact be more numerous than in the West of Germany. Also, I see some possibilities of similarities to the Finnish mentality in these matters, namely in that way that ”friendship between people” is by not so few Western-oriented Finns taken as just a remainder from those times of Soviet-oriented finlandisering (which is taken as something shameful), while (justly?) being under the impression that now, in the times of Western-oriented finlandisering, friendship and solidarity with members of other nations, especially ”losers”, are simply ”unfitting”. As examples for such an attitude one can mention Jussi Pajunen’s advice that one should not give anything to those Rumanian beggars in the streets of Helsinki, and also the recent (Hbl of må 26.09., p.8) formulation by inrikesministeriets kanslichef Päivi Nerg about papperslösa refugees that ”hela samhället skulle signalera att det är betydligt bättre för dem att återvända hem” (presumably after migri has decided that they do have some ”hem” in some place which migri in its wisdom thought acceptable …).

  2. 10.000 dollarsfragan ar givetvis hur forandra det officiella tankandet i Finland som pa nolltid (sa lange den nuvarande regeringen suttit..) har forandrats i grunden.

    Jag tror inte att var befolkning har forandrats pa annat satt an att man nu slapper ut det man tidigare sade mellan skal och vagg.. och nu har ju alla aktioner kring flyktingforlaggningarna och den senaste poikki-marschen visat att det finns en stor (majoritet?) som tanker pa annat satt.

    Den stora forandringen kommer nog via regeringen och ett visst parti som lyckats utomordentligt i sin politik: vara tre regeringspartier ar fastlasta i varandra som gumman som dansade med djavulen… ingen vagar slappa taget i radslan att forlora sin position.

    En riktig ledare gar fore och visar med sitt exempel och skjuter inte alla svara fragor och brev till andra ministrar eller tjansteman… suck.

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