Den nya arbetsmarknaden

Tigern och Vänsterföreningen Röda Rummet ordnar en diskussion kring Ny Tids temanummer om den nya arbetsmarknaden (Ny Tid Nr 13-14)

tisdagen den 21.5 kl 18        

Arkadia International Bookshop, Nervandersgatan 11 (bredvid Arbis).

Medverkar gör bland andra forskare Mika Helander, filosofen och den akademiska snuttarbetaren Nora Hämäläinen samt Ny Tids chefredaktör Fredrik Sonck.
Frivilligt inträde, alla välkomna !

You are invited to ‘Den nya arbetsmarknaden’, a discussion on the new labour market, with Mika Helander, Nora Hämäläinen and Fredrik Sonck on Tuesday 21.5 at 6pm at Arkadia (Nervanderinkatu 11).
    They will discuss changes in the labour market since the end of the 20th century, and how the trade union movement and the left have been able to cope with the changes.
    Mika Helander is a Research Fellow at the Turku University and the Turku School of Economics who has been doing research on Trade Union globalisation. Nora Hämäläinen is a philosopher and an academic temporary worker, and Fredrik Sonck is the Editor in chief of Ny Tid magazine.
    The discussion will be in Swedish but questions and comments can be made in Finnish or English as well. It is organized by Röda Rummet of the Left Alliance in collaboration with Tigern, the support group of the magazine Ny Tid.
    You are all very welcome. Warm regards, Ian

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